Welcome to the Minka Middle East platform.

Since 2017, the AFD's Minka Middle East Initiative funds projects that sustainably mitigate vulnerabilities generated by the Syrian and Iraqi conflicts and that reinforce the resilience of communities hosting displaced populations.

This site provides further details about funded projects, implemented activities and their outcomes.

All graphs, tables and maps can be downloaded in image format or Excel.

This platform reflects AFD's commitment to transparency in its activities.

Click here to access an infography about this initiative and here to access the official leaflet.

Active projects and in signature
Active projects
Regional distribution of Syrian refugees in AFD intervention countries (colors) and budget for active projects (circles)
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Note: Refugees registered by UNHCR (last updated November 2019)
Our strategy:
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This diagram describes the logic behind the projects funded by the Initiative, proceeding from the bottom-up.